are you gonna believe what everyone says?
are you gonna believe what 9 gag says?
Well many people say its gonna end, many people say its a whole new generation coming in or a total darkness for 3 days. well according to history channel, its when the sun, earth and other planet are gonna be in a straight line, the sun will be too bright that it can actually go through the something covering the earth and earth will be in total darkness.
some people say there is another planet coming behind then sun .. pfft
and in todays newspaper says that

i heard too many stories and whatever happens, happens.
One thing i know that many people forgive other people for their sins or wtv, many people ask for forgiveness
it actually reunite families to come home and stay with them and
praying and starting to believe in god to ask for forgiveness.
being as nice as you can to someone just before you say goodbye world.
if tomorro did really happen, ..........
the world is gonna be in havoc, we gonna get hungry so pack as many food resource as you can! if it happens la!
clean politics , no more!
everybody will be treated equally
and most of it
start new by forgiving each other! its gonna be a whole new year! fresh! 2013!
maybe im gonna laugh if tomorro never happens, i had to hold on to my legoland and singapore trip coz of this date, will be leaving after christmas ( maybe). i still havent get my trip yet, langkawi, short trip to pd , and singapore!
2 more months till the first time we met and its our anniversary and i am super excited. the reason why i dont celebrate monthsary is because you tend to keep track on the dates and all but if i dont, time will be faster and you will not realize it that it has already been 10 months meeting him.
soo whatever happens
you will never know what is gonna happen next?
im just living my life on what i do everyday, running errands with him, and play sims 3 pet, twitting and fbing, chatting.. this is life.
live your life while you still can, get out of your comfort zone and get more exposure as you can.
be yourself
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