Tuesday 31 December 2013



I tagline  myself  last year  "all eyes and ears". This signifies that its my final year of diploma, its time to boost up and be alert both eyes and ears, Be observant and DON'T COMPLAIN! It is the end of it as my last semester is over and raising 20k in a month for a csr project and organizing a food and fashion event and more than 20 media's came. THAT is an achievement. These hard work pay off as my cgpa increased and with those late night sleeps, worrying about sponsors and media is all over!! 

With the experience i have from working line and putting it into college project to enhance its quite cool that 2 of my friends manage to sponsor for me for my project and 2 of my frens who are a media manage to come as well. It's quite hectic that 2 hands on event is happening.Despite conflicts, arguments and hatred i', interning in one of the top event company and there is this HUGE EVENT coming up and one of them is organising the FIFA WORLD CUP TROPHY TOUR! 

Its a public event on a sunday 5th January at PWTC 10am to 10 pm so do come!Here are steps to purchase a barcode ticket

1) Go to any 7-eleven and buy 4 cans of coke
2) type your receipt at mycokeoffers@coca-cola.com
3) wait for your soft copy
4) Come!! 

Well before 1st January of 2014 always always ask yourself? Whats next?  I dont fancy resolutions coz i tend to break it i would rather do it spontaneously  then listing a whole damn things to do. I cried alot this year, i laugh less and i get frustrated like im pms-ing everyday but fuck it, its a whole new year! and realize alot of things about myself like people around you, your friends, family and self esteem start a life fresh like its a blank new book waiting to be written again.

We are young and playful, we take risks and learn mistakes. We fall but we get back up stronger. SO what is your new resolution for next year? If you are not happy, GET UP AND GO OUT, or sit somewhere alone and thing back about your life, ask yourself and stop complaining  about yourself all the time like calling yourself fat, fat ,fat when you are not going to do shit, asking yourself that you CAN'T do things when you dont know your strength. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO SUCCEED! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO BE SOMEONE YOUR KID GOING TO LOOK UP TOO! WHERE IS YOUR HARD WORK AND EFFORT PUT IN! so GET YOUR ASS UP AND BE SOMEONE INSPIRING! 

you dont lean against people, you are you and what is you is your decisions in making your life interesting or boring. 

Say Hello to 2014 as the time comes near , we welcome the new year with joy and happiness. It is time to STEP UP and make new decisions.  I am turning 20 this year and FINALLY the twenties!! gah! 

I am looking forward next year as charmander got a promotion and his doing such a big project and i am interning. So its a new level of us that we never encounter before, sometimes we tend to debate what useful things we do at work and comparing our project will be better, exchanging ideas. . lol! People say working in the events line, boyfriends wont last. We will see about it. ;x

This year wasnt a good year for me but Life is short so get back up and make a good one. 
i got super exciting news to tell you guys this year and that involves something big that involves concerts tickets or free fashion or beauty stuff. so yeah. 

HAVE A GREAT 2014 CELEBRATION and make sure you design your blank book properly and dont ruin the most amazing day of the last day of december. Its always the "first" impression to a good start! 

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